What is Water Conservation?

February 15, 2022by admin

Water is one of the most vital resources we have. We use water every day, whether it is drinking it or using it to clean dishes, our cars, etc. So it is easy to forget that water is also a limited and costly resource. So how do we conserve this essential resource? By implementing water conservation into our everyday lives.

What is water conservation? Water conservation is the practice of using water efficiently and avoiding unnecessary water usage. Implementing small practices like turning off the faucet while brushing our teeth or big practices like collecting rainwater to water our lawns and plants are examples of water conservation.

This article will share a range of water conservation practices you can add to your daily routines to help cut back on unnecessary water usage. These practices will not only help conserve this natural resource but help you cut down on your water bills, making it a win-win for both the planet and your wallet.

Starting Small

We know the expression is go big or go home, but change does not happen overnight. It starts with small steps that lead to significant results over time. So in the spirit of starting small, here are a few small things you can do each day to cut back on your water usage.

  • Turn Off Faucets While Shaving/Brushing Your Teeth/Washing Your Hands: This can save up to four gallons of water per minute.
  • Keep Your Showers Under Five Minutes: This can save up to 1000 gallons of water per month. Also, take showers instead of baths- you will save more water that way!
  • Thaw Foods Without Water: Instead of using water to thaw out your frozen food, let them thaw out in the refrigerator overnight. 
  • Keep cold water in the fridge: Instead of letting the faucet run until the water is cold, put some water in a pitcher and let it get cold in the refrigerator.

Going Big

So you have started small, but you are ready to go big! So here are some of the bigger steps you can take in conserving water.

  • Collect rainwater: By doing this, you are saving gallons of water and utilizing Earth’s natural resources to keep your lawns and plants watered. 
  • Purchase an Energy Efficient Washing Machine: These machines can be pricey, but they make up for it with the water they save. These machines can save over 50% of water usage while doing laundry!
  • Consider Drought Resistant Plants: Plants like succulents and cactuses can go longer without water than most plants.
  • Use a Wastebasket: Every time we flush toilet paper, we flush away five to seven gallons of water. So use a wastebasket for your toilet paper instead.

Water conservation is essential for keeping this vital resource around for as long as possible. With just a few small changes, we can make a big difference in conserving water and conserving our money. We only have one planet, so let us work on preserving it as much as we can!

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